Special offers and benefits for you

Our clients can take up the opportunity to “refresh” their permanent makeup before two years since the last procedure. In such a case they will pay 30% less for an application (refreshment is without correction, if necessary, costs 1,000 CZK). What is more, we will send you an email in advance (provided you give us one) informing you of this offer.

Together with Veramedica - the Aesthetic and Corrective Dermatology Clinic run by Dr. Věra Terzijská, with which we share our premises, we have agreed on a 10% discount for the application of botulinum toxin as a bonus for our clients.

Likewise, in cooperation with our colleagues from cosmetic surgery, and masseurs, pedicurists and manicurists, we are preparing for our Estetica Studio clients a “special offers package” which we will regularly update and diversify.

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